Tangkuban Perahu

The popular Sundanese folklore of Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang,brought us to Tangkuban Parahu Mountain. Located about 20 km in the north side of Bandung, we will meet this 2.084 m high mountain, with beautiful pine woods and tea plantations surrounding it. It is one of the best nature tourism spot in West Java, an active volcano with the shape resembling a flipped-over boat. The cool air and hot springs will welcome you, along with a series of crater, attractions that you should not miss.

Saung Angklung Udjo

Saung Angklung Udjo is built in 1966, by Udjo Ngalagena and his wife, Uum Sumiati. Located in Padasuka of Eastern Bandung, this is where you can watch Sundanese cultural shows, meet bamboo traditional art and craft products and also a workshop for Sundanese musical instruments made from bamboo. Saung Angklung Udjo has a vision to be a education center to preserve the existence of Sundanese traditional culture, specifically for Angklung (the Sundanese traditional music instrument). Surrounded by fresh air and beautiful bamboo trees, you can catch various kinds of bamboo products, from art and crafts, interiors to musical instruments.


Meet one of the most crowded streets in Bandung, Cihampelas Street. Many called it "Jeans-street" since you will find lots of stores selling jeans products along the way. The stores are quite unique as they put funny items to attract customers. Do not be surprised if you find Rambo and Batman guarding in front of the stores. A hip shopping center with a colorful concept is also located on this street, serving you lots of choices for culinary, shopping and entertainment.

Kawah Putih Bandung

Kawah Putih is located at Mount Patuha in the southern region of Bandung, is about 50 km or 2 hours drive from Bandung. Entering the site, we will be passing through the asphalt road with views of natural forest with diverse species of plants will definitely refresh your tired eyes. Located about 2.434 m above sea level, Kawah Putih is very charming and amazing with its cool temperatures throughout the day (around 8-22 oC). If you have already experience the wonders of its nature, you might even say that there was no crater as beautiful as Kawah Putih.

Gedung Sate Bandung

Gedung Sate, the most famous landmark in Bandung. With the unique ornaments resembling satay sticks, it becomes the well-known mark of Bandung. Not only popular among the citizens of West Java, but the name is also heard throughout the world. Many people visit Gedung Sate because of the emotional and historical bonds that they have with it. Its beauty also supported with green surroundings from the beautiful garden which attracted many locals and tourists to capture into photographs and videos.

Factory Outlet

Shopping sprees in Bandung, you have to count factory outlets in. It is the 21st-century shopping trend that never fades, even a decade has passed. Factory outlet serves you high quality fashion products with affordable prices. The leading factory outlets are located in three major streets of northern Bandung : RE Martadinata (Riau), Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) and Setiabudhi. Shop till you drop is what we are going to have on our trip to factory outlets.